Thursday, February 12, 2009

Proposed Oil Spills Threaten Survival of American Polar Bears

If the melting of their marine environment is not enough, polar bears are now facing major oil spills in the seas in which they reside, just north of Alaska.

It is the Beaufort and Chukchi seas that will soon become the home of numerous oil rigs and pipelines. This is the sole doing of George Bush, who proposed such before his term in office was completed.

These oil spills are completely immoral and dangerous to the polar bears!!! Oil gets on their fur and being that it coats it thickly, it is difficult to remove. Their beautiful white fur then becomes useless and unmanageable once the fur is matted and clumpy. Eventually the cold freezes up the oil.

Why would the United States allow such a thing? All the American polar bears live in this area, off the Arctic coast of Alaska. Also, global warming is already in effect. Large quantities of oil in these seas would only fasten the process of climate change.

If this area becomes unlivable for them, we will possibly see the elimination of polar bears in the U.S.

"The climate predictions coming out are showing massive changes in sea-ice distribution...We'll certainly lose polar bears in a lot of areas where we currently have them", says University of Alberta biologist Dr. Andrew Derocher.

Dr. Derocher's projection is accurate which is why we must do something. We must urge Obama to revoke Bush's oily plan. I urge you all to help; sign the online petition "Help Save the Polar Bears!"

What would you do if you had no where to go?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dissection Animals: Where Do They Come From?

Every year millions of animals are killed and supplied to schools for dissection.
Although frogs are most commonly dissected below university level, other animals dissected include: pigs, minks, cats, dogs, rats, mice, foxes, and pigeons. Also dissected are: fish and worms.

As someone who has, unfortunately, performed dissections in junior high school, I never wondered where the animals came from. Now that I am a little older, I now know and I have to say that it is a shame that the United States allows dissections to go on in schools.

So where is it that these animals come from? Frogs, and other animals, are taken out of their natural habitat against their will.

Illegal dealers, pet stores, shelters, and slaughterhouses are all guilty of selling their animals to institutions, which kill animals and embalm them before transporting them to schools.

Baby pigs for experimentations are taken from the stomachs of their pregnant mothers, in slaughterhouses. Dealers engage in snatching up stray cats and dogs. Some even steal those that have been left outside by owners.

It is about time people knew the truth: these animals do not just die of natural causes; they are killed. In allowing dissection in elementary and junior highschools, it desentizes children of the value of life; whether that of a human or an animal. It may even foster animal abuse.

Personally, I do not want children being taught such and even more so, I do not want to see the further suffering of animals for such unnecessary practices.

Wouldn't you prefer cats to be happy and healthylike this, rather than being killed for dissection?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Circus Elephants: Far From Willing Performers

Many Americans enjoy taking their children to the circus and watching elephants perform all kinds of tricks. The big friendly creatures appear to be so happy and willing to be there to entertain the crowd.

But is this really true?

The issue will be debated in court today February 4th and will be tried by Judge Emmit G. Sullivan, without jury.

The lawsuit is by a merger of animal rights groups and is against the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, accused of torturing elephants with clubs and bull hooks, among other things.

Let’s all hope that Judge Sullivan rules in favor of the elephants as justice for these circus animals is long overdue. If a dog is abused, everyone is enraged but yet we turn a blind eye to the suffering elephants. They are just as smart, friendly, and loyal as dogs, and they have a great memory as well.

We need to stop the cruelty! Here are just some of the reasons why:

Clubs, electric prods, and bull hooks are among the items used to punish the elephants. Trainers use the bull hooks to puncture their skin in sensitive areas such as: behind the ears, underneath the chin, some spots of the trunk, around the feet, inside the ear and mouth, and in and around the anus.
(picture to the right: areas where bull hooks are used to puncture elephants)

Chaining may cause irritation and itching. Poor husbandry may contribute to poor foot health like: cracked or infected toenails and even overgrown nails. Also, due to frequent travel, stress, poor nutrition, contact with infected elephants, and inconsistent food and water supply, circus elephants are prone to contracting tuberculosis, TB. It can be spread from humans to animals and vice versa.

And these are just some of the cruel practices and health risks associated with circus elephants. Imagine all the endless cruelty they have to endure.

Elephants are not meant to be enslaved for our entertainment so let's remove their shackles and set them free.

Want to get involved with this issue? Visit: (where alot of information from this blog was obtained)