Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dissection Animals: Where Do They Come From?

Every year millions of animals are killed and supplied to schools for dissection.
Although frogs are most commonly dissected below university level, other animals dissected include: pigs, minks, cats, dogs, rats, mice, foxes, and pigeons. Also dissected are: fish and worms.

As someone who has, unfortunately, performed dissections in junior high school, I never wondered where the animals came from. Now that I am a little older, I now know and I have to say that it is a shame that the United States allows dissections to go on in schools.

So where is it that these animals come from? Frogs, and other animals, are taken out of their natural habitat against their will.

Illegal dealers, pet stores, shelters, and slaughterhouses are all guilty of selling their animals to institutions, which kill animals and embalm them before transporting them to schools.

Baby pigs for experimentations are taken from the stomachs of their pregnant mothers, in slaughterhouses. Dealers engage in snatching up stray cats and dogs. Some even steal those that have been left outside by owners.

It is about time people knew the truth: these animals do not just die of natural causes; they are killed. In allowing dissection in elementary and junior highschools, it desentizes children of the value of life; whether that of a human or an animal. It may even foster animal abuse.

Personally, I do not want children being taught such and even more so, I do not want to see the further suffering of animals for such unnecessary practices.

Wouldn't you prefer cats to be happy and healthylike this, rather than being killed for dissection?

1 comment:

  1. how can they just take pets right from someone's front yard!?! can't they be sued or something?
